The Airsoft Mandalorians Welcome You
This is the way
Airsoft Mandalorians is a place for Mandalorian and Airsoft enthusiasts. Do you just want to add a little Mandalorian flair to your kit, or make a full-blown Mandalorian Loadout? We are here to help with resources, information, and tutorials.
Milsims are great, but we are a part of the growing community of
airsoft LARP (live-action role-playing) and Scenario Games.
We are excited as this part of the airsoft community grows. (((updated 1-18-24)))
(We are not officially affiliated with the Mandalorian Mercs costume club, although several of us are members in good standing. They have fantastic resources and a thriving community.)

About Us
Community, Resources, Events
Airsoft Mandalorians was founded in 2016 for a post apocalyptic Airsoft LARP event in Ocala Florida call Wasteland, by Mind Game Productions. Since then we have grown to do other events and develop better Mandalorian gear and armor for airsoft in different applications from full armor Juggernaut builds, to light load outs for weekend gameplay. We use everything from EVA foam to 3d printing. We love to teach and help others build their very own loadouts, by providing resources and information we’ve collected, as well as some venders we’ve field tested and can recommend.
Our Airsoft team, “The Guild” is based out of central Florida and We participate in multiple events a year.